Mature miRNA: mmu-miR-367-3p

Mature miRNA

miRNA Name mmu-miR-367-3p
Previous Name mmu-miR-367
miRNA Sequence 5' - aauugcacuuuagcaaugguga - 3' (length = 22)
Predicted Targets miRDB
Validated Targets TarBase
miRBase ID MIMAT0003181
Similar miRNAs mmu-miR-25-3p, mmu-miR-32-5p, mmu-miR-363-3p, mmu-miR-92a-3p, mmu-miR-92b-3p (sharing the same seed sequence with mmu-miR-367-3p).

Precursor miRNA

Precursor Name mmu-mir-367
Genomic Location chr3:127545733-127545807 (+); nearby genomic features
Clustered miRNAs mmu-mir-302b,mmu-mir-302c,mmu-mir-302a,mmu-mir-302d,mmu-mir-367 (within 10kb in genome)
miRBase ID MI0003531
Precursor Sequence
   -                ca     c    uugaa
agg ccgucacuguugcuaa  ugcaa ucug     u
||| ||||||||||||||||  ||||| ||||     
ucc gguagugguaacgauu  acguu aggu     a
   a                uc     a    uaaag


  • Mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomal microRNA-367-3p alleviates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis via inhibition of microglial ferroptosis by targeting EZH2. Fan J, Han Y, Sun H, Sun S, Wang Y, Guo R, Guo J, Tian X, Wang J, Wang J. Biomed Pharmacother. 2023 Jun;162:114593.

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  • microRNA-367-3p regulation of GPRC5A is suppressed in ischemic stroke. Tabet F, Lee S, Zhu W, Levin MG, Toth CL, Cuesta Torres LF, Vinh A, Kim HA, Chu HX, Evans MA, Kuzmich ME, Drummond GR, Remaley AT, Rye KA, Sobey CG, Vickers KC. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2020 Jun;40(6):1300-1315.

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  • There are 21 references associated with mmu-miR-367-3p. Click here to see the complete list in PubMed.